
Showing posts from November 24, 2010

Dex... online

Stiati ca janta (pl. jante), cea de la masina e un cuvant sinonim cu... prostituata? Ma rog, eufemistic vorbind, dar totusi, cand zici janta poti sa spui prostituata. Cum ar fi invers? :P

One of these days...

One of these days I'll buy a new book and I'll spend an entire afternoon reading it. First to last page, no break. One of these days I'll smile more and think less. One of these days I'll take a long walk in a park, lots and lots of hours without having to be somewhere else. One of these days I'll paint a window on a white wall and pretend that there's nothing bad out there... it's just pure white. One of these days I'll eat something completely new in a fancy little place. I'll wear a nice skirt and long heeled boots. One of these days I'll write something that I'll really like. And then another and another and another until I'll keep my promise and publish another novel. One of these days I'll stop complaining, stop wanting more and in exchange I'll do more. One of these days I'll choose right from wrong One of these days I'll look back and say "that day" followed by a verb in the past tense. And if n...