
Showing posts from March 14, 2007

Despre muzica, oameni si alte cateva cuvinte...

KFC. Nu se mai fumeaza. Bine si rau. Rau pentru toti parintii care-si vor duce mai des copiii sa-i hraneasca cu fast-food. Aseara. Eu. Am mancat pe strada intre cafeneaua BCR si Tonka (timp de mers - 4 minute) un Twister. Nu stiu cum am reusit recordul. Sau poate imi era doar foame. Azi. Ascult Garbage. Lucrez. Citesc bloguri. Mai trimit cate un mail. Ma gandeam. La prieteni si prietenii. O sa-mi impart toti oamenii in prieteni si familie. Nu exista termeni de genul: "cunoscuti", "amici", "iubiti", "colegi", "vecini" s.a.m.d. Nu. Sunt asa: prieteni cu care vorbesti, prieteni cu care te tii de mana, prieteni cu care te plimbi, prieteni care-ti plac, prieteni care nu-ti plac, prieteni pe care-i saluti ocazional, prieteni cu care vorbesti la telefon, prieteni pe carei cunosti de-o viata, prieteni de care nu stii cum sa scapi, prieteni cu care te culci, prieteni cu care bei o cafea, prieteni cu care vorbesti online, prieteni de care ai n...

Garbage - Dog new tricks

Selectie - lyrics I wish I had not woke up today Everyone mistakes the things you say Take the simple truth and Twist it all around Make it sound important Make it seem profound

Garbage - Dumb

Selectie - my fav. lyrics I never claimed to be your saviour I said I had a dirty mouth Stop analysing my behaviour If you're too dumb to work it out I've got to keep myself together You know I hate to disappoint A masochistic lamb to slaughter Maybe you miss the point?

Garbage - When I grow up

S electie - my fav. lyrics When I grow up I'll be stable When I grow up I'll turn the tables Don't take offense Better make amends Rip it all to shreds and let it go

Garbage - Only happy when it rains

Selectie - my fav. lyrics I'm only happy when it rains I feel good when things are going wrong I only listen to the sad, sad songs I'm only happy when it rains

Garbage - Push it

Garbage - The trick is to keep breathing

Selectie - my fav. lyrics She's not the kind of girl Who likes to tell the world About the way she feels about herself She takes a little time in making up her mind She doesn't want to fight against the tide And lately I'm not the only one I say never trust anyone

Garbage - Queer

Selectie - my fav. lyrics Hey boy, take a look at me Let me dirty up your mind I'll strip away your hard veneer And see what I can find

Garbage - Silence is Golden

Selectie - my fav. lyrics Won't someone listen Nobody gets in My body's a temple But nothing is simple Silence is golden I have been broken Something was stolen Safe in my own skin