Are books for real, Mr. Rawley, or is it all just an illusion?

- Is it true, that there are people, going up and down those streets outside, busy and undecided? Is it, Mr. Rawley?
- It's true. But in the same time as false as it is true. Most of them just wander around, without a goal... Or just trying to buy time.
-Is it true Mr. Rawley, that mirrors lie?
-Oh... well, my dear, mirrors never lie. It's us who look behind the glass. It's us who try to fake the image. Mirrors are just a tool we use, just like any other. But, on the other hand, don't always believe what you see there. Except the case, of course, when you dare to be true to yourself.
- Well, then, Mr. Rawley, are books for real? Or is it all just an illusion?
- Of course they are for real. They are as real as we are. As those who write them are. But, in the end, we're always in search for who we are and mostly, we deny what we know or feel. You see, people are afraid sometimes. Are afraid that if they uncover themselves they will be left alone, naked... empty... in the cold. So they take the easy way out of it. They just reach their hands and take what they are given instead of taking what they want and need.
- But why should I believe you, Mr. Rawley?
- Nobody said you should. But you can, if you want to. That's the secret of walking. You never know when you can fall, but you just put one foot ahead of another and follow your way. Despite the consequences.
- Is it true that your kind and yet misterious words scare people away, Mr. Rawley?
- You should know that better than I do. You are here asking questions, looking for answers. Why don't you open the window? Feel the breeze? Why do you indulge yourself not to find that on your own, Miss Correy?
- Because, you see... Mr. Rawley, I once did that and ended up finding myself in the middle of nowehere, not knowing what to do or say next. Because I once opened someone up and saw he was empty. And emptiness scares me, even more than sitting here by myself does. It's easier this way. You know... it's safe. And sad in the same way... and lonliness cand be mischieving. It takes the mask of something warm, yet rotten.
- So, what's next, Miss Correy?
- Well, if I only knew... But I'm tired of going where the wind blows and carrying around warm blankets to make the cold fade away. I'm tired of just playing along. Because, you know, Mr. Rawley, it's time that's clicking away amd my feet that get stuck in an alley where, maybe, they shouldn't be. And I'm getting far away from home and for what I can say, the way will get narrower and colder by the minute and I'll be left again here, standind by myself. You see, Mr. Rawley, I like and enjoy nice stories forgetting that they are just stories and I am taking them too much seriously.
- Well, the choice is yours and yours only. Maybe it's time to close some doors and look for some new ones. And try to seek for some real ones. We all like stories and dreams and some of us enjoy wandering around in people's minds... Too much we do that and we happen to lose ourselves by doing that...
- It's was nice talking to you Mr. Rawley...
- It always is, Miss Correy... It always is. In fact, that's what you're looking for, isn't it?
- Well... I would say that...
- No. Don't say. I'm not looking for you to approve or deny. There are answers that I know and you know. But, I do wonder which one of us agrees which is the right answer... or accepts it... But I do have the faith, Miss Correy, that one day you will do the right thing. Because, as I said before... falling is the miracle of learning how to walk. And as I can see you've already learnt to get up and keep on going. You're just a bit lost but I have the faith you'll find your way again, no matter what you have to leave behind. Maybe ahead of you there is what you'll leave behind and even more. And if it isn't, I'm sure there's something better.


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