Choose or get chosen

O ştiţi cu toţii, am mai postat chestia asta acum vreun an sau doi, dar azi merge iar. De fapt, chestia asta ar merge asa.. o data la cateva zile. Sau, macar, atunci cand stai si te uiti ca boul (boaua:p)la stanga, dreapta, fata si nu stii incotro sa mergi. Ca inapoi, nu prea mai ai cum.

Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on Sunday night. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else.


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