Funny how the world goes...

Funny how the world goes, meeting people, letting them in, wanting them out. Rushing out of need or God knows what. And then, they let you down. Wrong. You let yourself down when you admit that it's you who was wrong, who put a shadow over them and confused them for someone else.

Funny or not, confusing or not, it's moments we feed on. But actually, we don't feel pleased until we find more time made out of these silly moments.

Am o poveste veche. Asa de veche incat uneori mi se pare ireal de perfecta, si atat de personala, incat uneori mi se pare mai personala decat mine, pana in momentul in care personajul principal a devenit un fel de erou, martir care a inceput sa-si care voit sau nu propriile lanturi si atunci in ochii mei a decazut. Long, long time ago... Si mi-e dor uneori. Si-mi caut alti eroi pentru povestea mea, dar poate unii eroi sunt de neinlocuit sau poate nici nu mai exista eroi, cel putin nu cei pe care-i vad eu. Nu-i nici timpul, nici locul si ini nici un caz circumstantele. Mai cautam, mai cautam.

Funny how things roll. Down the hill. And even funnier how I watch say "that was it" and go on. Jeez, I can be so "what if". But it still kind of hurts somewhere, atfer so much time, so many years of not letting down the window and there came the day I did and suuny at first, the wind got so cold just a blink later.

Now, that's a wrap. :)


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