A short story I heard today in a movie

Two buddhist monks were walking to a temple. When they got to a river, they saw a woman dressed in fine clothes, who didn't want to get wet while crossing

The oldest monk offered to carry her across, which she accepted, and then they continued on their respective journeys.
About an hour later, the young monk broke the silence and said:

"In our faith, we are not allowed to touch others, yet you carried that woman across the river. I don't understand."
The old monk stopped and looked puzzled for a moment, and then said:

"Oh, her? Well, the difference between me and you is that I put her down when we got to the other side of the river, but you are still carrying her"


Bogdan said…
Povestea se regăseşte şi în cartea "Maktub" a lui Paolo Coelho, o colecţie de astfel de povestioare ce merita descărcata de pe net (e gratuită).
Oana Tonca (Tzuni) said…
Aham... Eu am auzit-o in episodul trei din Moonlight

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