Michael Jackson va fi mereu alaturi de noi, pentru ca nu e biodegradabil

Q: Why did Michael Jackson place a phone call to Boyz-2-Men??
A: He thought it was a delivery service.

Michael Jackson hasn’t been this stiff since Macully Culkin spent the night at Neverland Ranch.

Because Jackson’s body was 95% plastic, he will be melted down and turned into legos, this way kids can play with him for a change.

Doctors are looking into claims that MJ’s death could have been caused by an allergic reaction from eating 12 year old nuts.

Farrah Fawcett arrived at the Pearly Gates and God asked her what he could do for her having led such an honest life. Farrah asked God to simply make sure the children of the world were safe. Five minutes later, Michael Jackson died.

In memory of MJ’s death, McDonald’s is coming out with the new “McJackson”. It’s 50 year old meat between 12 year old buns.

Michael Jackson’s death has now been ruled a suicide. Apparently doctors told him that the only way he could get whiter is if he died.

Madonna sent her condolences to the Jackson family. Then asked how much they wanted for the kids.

Michael Jackson’s last words: “Take me to the Children’s Hospital!”

What was Michael Jacksons last hit? The floor!

Michael Jackson died of a heart attack. He really shouldn’t have looked at the man in the mirror.


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