Mananca, roaga-te, iubeste... Eat. Pray. Love

 Eat.Pray.Love. - unii spuneau ca e wow, ca au plans sau mai stiu eu ce, altii ca e ok, dar slabut. Cum a aparut in format dvdrip l-am download si eu si... am vazut vreo 45 de minute din el, după care am zis ca nu are sens sa-mi mai pierd timpul.

Nu ca ar fi un film slabut. Doar ca e plictisitor si prea lent. Are pasaje faine. Dar ideea e alta. Cartea probabil este senzationala. Sau are pasaje senzationale, pentru ca ideea din spatele fimlului, conceptiile si gandurile personajului principal (Julia Roberts) sunt de-a dreptul lovely. Dar atat. Cuvinte, idei, ganduri. Motiv pentru care la Humanitas se gaseste cartea Mananca, roaga-te, iubeste si am vrut sa mi-o comand ieri... dar tare mi-a ca in urma traducerii multe s-au pierdut. O solutie ar fi sa mi-o iau de pe net asa cum e ea, Eat.Pray.Love (parca si titlul e mai ok in engl), scrisa de Elizabeth Gilbert.

"Here's what he doesn't know yet: I disappear into the person I love. I am the permeable membrane. If I love you, you can have it all: my money, my time, my body, my dog, my dog's money, my dog's time... If I love you, I will carry all your pain, I will assume your debts and project upon you all sorts of fine qualities that you have never actually cultivated in yourself. Oh. And I will buy Christmas presents for your entire family. I will give you all this and more until I am so exhausted and depleted that the only way I can recover is by becoming infatuated with someone else."


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