Simple Pleasures That Money Can’t Buy

(Pentru ca mi se pare dragut ca idee nu neaparat lucrurile enumerate si am cam multa treaba pentru ca sa scriu eu ceva pornind de la asta si e cam tarzior, vi-l dau copy/paste. Cele cu bold sunt cele cu care-s de acord)

Realizing that we never really grow up, we just learn how to act in public.
The “butterflies in your stomach” feeling of a new romantic relationship.
The smell of the air after it rains.
Singing every word to your favorite song at the top of your lungs.
Waking up, realizing it’s the weekend, and curling up for another thirty minutes of sleep.
The bittersweet feeling of finishing a really good book.
Finding someone who has the same nerdy obsession as you.
Watching two drops of rain roll down your window and pretending it’s a race.
Seeing old people in love.
Finally getting to sleep in your own bed after being away for a few weeks.

As adauga...
Mirosul de iarba proaspat cosita, senzatia aia de verde
Visele in care... visezi ca zbori
Ideile care iti vin asa aiurea si pe care le scrii sau le spui cuiva sau uiti sa le scrii si sa le spui si apoi regreti
Mersul pe pamant cu picioarele goale
Imaginatia, fara de care am fi goi, care ne ajuta sa fim cum vrem evadand din real si fara de care viata mi s-ar parea inutila

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