
Lost in a tale, found in some words. I make senses, I paint long sentences. I use lots of dots stuff. I write in different colors. I'm only writing stories, I'm only making new chapters. I'm only...

I'm kind of lost and found in a lock of time looking around, seeing, seeking. I'm here and almost gone, already. I don't close windows and doors because I always feel that there comes the time to run.

E greu sa negi lucrurile care-ti suna in suflet si parca le auzi in timpane. Stay just a bit longer. The decay has already started. In engleza, asa imi suna gandurile astea, acum si ma intreb daca nu le fabric eu uneori tocmai din dorinta de a evada, de a fugi, de a nu-mi forma radacini prea adanci pe care sa nu-mi fie greu apoi sa le smulg.


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COMPUNERE: Primavara


Ocazie unica :p